12th December 22
This Christmas season, we supported Families in Action Together (FAcT), a baby bank based in Harrow Wealdstone, by appealing to the TGS community for infant essentials. Thanks to the generosity of our school families, we collected well over a hundred individual items for the baby bank. This includes dozens of packs of nappies, children’s coats, shoes, blankets and clothes which will surely spread happiness to the families in need of these winter essentials.
When the founder of FAcT’s baby bank arrived to collect the donations, our Primary school’s Head Boy and Head Girl helped set out the goods and discuss the importance of giving during the holiday season.
In addition, on the morning of Wednesday 30th November the school choir sang popular Christmas carols outside the school gates to raise donations for FAcT. Their singing awakened the giving spirit in all who attended, and in total the choir children collected £199 for the charity. This appeal continues the school’s dedication to supporting important charities, which is a major tenet of the humanitarian approach of Dr Maria Montessori’s philosophy. Well done and thank you to all who took part in this important charitable appeal!