TGS awarded Gold in TfL’s STARS Scheme

15th June 22

The Gower School has gained a Gold accreditation from Transport for London’s STARS travel award!

STARS – Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe – is an accreditation scheme for schools and nurseries by Transport for London to inspire London’s youth to travel sustainably, actively, responsibly and safely. To qualify for accreditation, schools must fulfil standards in the following pillars: travelling actively, reducing congestion, improving road safety and improving the health and wellbeing of children.

Receiving the Gold award means that TGS is in the top 10% of London schools, setting high standards to inspire the school community to transform travel habits. The adjudicators must have been very impressed by TGS’s annual ‘Walk to School Week’, which inspires children to travel actively to school through walking, cycling, scooting, and more. TGS’s permanent designation of Cynthia Street as a School Street also reduces motor congestion and increases the air quality surrounding the school. Each Spring our Forms 5 and 6 children also receive bicycle lessons from Bikeability, which often inspires them to cycle to school using their newfound skills.

TGS previously received the STARS Gold award in 2018, and we are very proud to be awarded this top accreditation once more!

This award adds to the list of achievements garnered by The Gower School in the areas of children’s health, sustainable travel, and eco-friendly practices.

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